Friday, December 11, 2015

Top 5 JANUARY Must-haves!

Its just a few days until the start of a new year and we should be grateful for another day, another year, another decade to be awesome!

Here are my top 5 tips for January to make it even more great:

Have a plan
Beautiful small planner from Papemelroti for 20 php

Having a plan even just taking as little as 15 minutes a day and writing it down can significantly improve your day. Does not matter if its a small planner, on your smart phone or heck a piece of post it note  -as long as it is easily accessible - where you can make your lists of things to to do and focus on will help you relieve the stress and anxiety of finding out what to do next. 

Open a savings account or a foreign currency account

If you already have one then open another one just for this year and put your spare change in a jar and deposit it every week. A foreign currency account is also very helpful specially in these changing times. It does not need to be huge but if fed every week or even bi weekly will give you a cushion if an emergency happens. I happen to come across this savings plan , the 52 week challenge, that some people do every start of the year, its up to you if you deposit less money first or more, the same principle of being diligent and smart about your purchases apply. 

* Warning * There are a lot of phising and atm skimming scams around all over the world. Please be watchful of your money and know your rights. Check it regularly and change passwords if possible, use code names or whatever, be crafty if you are trying to hide it just pls. don't be a victim of these people.

Create a SMART Work out schedule and Diet plan

Cliche as it may sound but using SMART is still the way to go when making goals:

Specific – target a specific area for improvement.
- Is it your cholesterol level, over all weight or just body fat? Are you bulking up or trying to reduce?

Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.
- Use a calibrated measuring tape, scale, blood sugar monitor, write down the results. Its Math and you can't really cheat Math can you?

Attainable/Action-oriented – assuring that an end can be achieved.

Realistic/Results-based – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources.

Of course we need to use logic for both here, but I have read of outlandish claims (there seems to be an un-ending supply of these!). We just need to do research and apply it. I found Tim Ferris does incredible from weight loss to learning a language. 

Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.
- There needs to be a deadline guys. That is why its important to write down, with time stamps and photos too if you want.

Create a Social media outlet that celebrates you as a brand

No trolling or hating ok, this celebrates you and is well curated by you. Its a way to put yourself out there and share with the world your thoughts and new learning. You never know who you help and inspire. There are so many social media outlets and you may not put your real name for privacy but it should be an outlet of creativity or even non creativity but a place to showcase you. 

Here are some simple places to do it:

Facebook - To connect with people, family and friends or even fans and people that share the same things.

Twitter - Writing poetry or witty lines in 140 characters or less, sharing info and updating on the latest.

Instagram - For beautiful or interesting photographs. Create stories and info graphics to share.

Snapchat - Short videos that are fun and fleeting which piques interest in most people.

Youtube - Oh hail the second most powerful search engine. Share memories, express your self or anything that you want here. A lot of peoples lives have changed because of this platform.

Another Income Stream

May it be from ad revenue from your social media platforms or a side line business like selling home made baked delicacies. Another income stream as long as you can fit it in your schedule and is productive is always a good idea. Spending 3-4 hours on an a Facebook, Youtube or Pinterest bender but still complain you are poor. Something is wrong. 

I can share some tips where you can get income from the internet: - A Paypal account and a smart phone - you are good to go.

Adsense - Blog or do Youtube, there are probably a lot of articles on this.

I hope my Top 5 tips can help, try them this January after the holiday hullaballo.

Do all things with love,